Sunday, January 3, 2016

Why are people unappreciative even when you're helping them?

Hello earthlings,

It's been a while since i posted something here and the truth is, I don't like writing plus i'm just lazy but i think it's important. This is like the only documentation I do about my project and I was just taking this free online course on ALISON-Diploma in Project Management and I just got to the part where i'm learning the importance of documentation. Anyway, i also have a lot to say. I go through a lot running Mdada sometimes it's just too much really.

Today lemme just talk about something I experienced with one of the parents of the girls whose school fees I have been trying to help pay. Let's get things right, I am not taking over from the parents, i am just trying to do my best where I can. For anyone whose ever started a business, you know how tough it can be. Imagine trying to get a business going and help someone pay school fees. Basically i'm trying to get as much profit as I can and then share the profits with the girl. This is my passion and I believe I can help people get out of poverty and education is one way of solving this. Back to how tough it can be get a business going. Making profits in the beginning is not easy. You need to invest so much time and resources to your business before you can get clients because when you're trying to do something new you'll probably be learning as you go, making mistakes and learning. 

It reached a point where i needed the support of the parents because I needed staff. The only difference is I would be paying you in form of school fees going direct to your daughters account. I did intend to cater for transport expenses but that was it. Anyway, long story short. When I brought this idea up with the parents, it wasn't flying. Okay so I wanted to understand how we can make things move forward in the interest of the girls. I couldn't even get them to come and help me out once in a week! Crazy! 

When I went to the school to just check how much the students owed in terms of school fees, the principal was like what's going on because he is aware i'm trying to help pay school fees for the girls. He suggested that I ask the parents to help me but I was like they're not interested. How do you help someone in this situation? I came to an agreement with the parents that i would match whatever they contributed as in if they could pay 1000 bob i would pay a 1000. What do you think?

Sometimes, i'm just crawling like the Martin Luther says

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, and if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

Oh well, I guess all things happen for a reason because I have since changed my approach. Now I'm looking to train girls on how to actually make an income for themselves. I landed on a bestseller item that is easy to make and can be sold by students. I think this is in fact easier to scale my business because the girls will be learning a new skill and paying at least part of her school fees if not all of it. The products will be listed on Jumia, check out our Mdada shop online and support :)
Gosh, I need someone to give me some kind of motivation to write.There's so much into this story that I haven't shared but you know me...urgghhh i'd rather talk about it than write about it.

Later earthlings.

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